Misconceptions about Weight Loss.

There have been a lot of misconceptions lately concerning weight loss. Below are the common ones and the reason why they are miscellaneous is also given below:

1) Some people believe you don't need  exercise to lose weight, and therefore propagate loosing weight the "lazy way". It is possible to lose weight without having time for exercise but it is always better to do things the healthy and right way.  Exercise and physical activity is essential for all and sundry, not just for those who want to lose weight alone and when people gain weight, taking part in regular exercise is not just a means to an end which should be discarded when the dream is fulfilled. Exercising will do more good to your health besides weight shedding. So I advice you add it to your schedule.
                    Also, It is a matter of how fast you want to start seeing results. To lose weight faster, exercise and physical activity is an integral part.

2)Engaging in fitness training but neglecting proper weight loss diet. To be frank with you, if you want to lose weight, you need to put a restriction on what you eat and how much you eat. Some food are just not okay for weight loss and some food are the best for you. No one who wants to lose weight should still be taking processed sugar  like white sugar, breweries, cake, flour snacks,etc since they contain sugar . Just as some carbohydrates are bad, some fats are also bad. Watch out for our post on this issues. While some foods are antagonist to your weight loss dream, some will help you get there in time while some will neither contribute nor interrupt. Isn't that cool? Ginger, lemon and green tea for example are good help.

3) Another mistake people make is pushing these  two things into extreme. When people hear these extreme conclusions, they get tired of fitness training before even starting and they get confused on what to eat. To be direct,  weight loss is just a matter of adopting new lifestyle habits. It is not yo be taken like strict negation rules always beginning with "don't" like formulating another 10 commandment. At the same time, it is not to be taken as an all embracing and open lifestyle to anything but should be about adapting to a more healthier life and living. Obviously, poor health habits must have gotten an individual to the grips of obesity but being shown how to adapt to a healthy one is the solution.

5) Going into Starvation diets: Some people erroneously believe in the efficacy of starvation . Therefore, they limit eating to once or twice a day for some period. Such resolution is a masaccre to common sense and logical thinking. Starving oneself only brings one to the entaglement and sympathetic cycle of falling and rising. Your supposedly lost few pounds were only reserved for you. You don't lose weight but only reserve it , like putting a phone call on hold. Well, you can't continue starving yourself. Can you? And when you drop the starvation mantle, you are back home and more so, you don't get to start reducing weight until after like five days of consistent starvation.

 The best strategy for weight loss is to combine fst loss nutrition with fat loss exercise program.


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