Health or Luxury - Defining your fitness objective

7 arguable points to oppose your conviction about fitness training 1) You can lose more calories in 23 hours than the one hour you set apart for training 2) Exercise is beneficial and only helpful to a weight loss journey but not a compulsory element 3) Lifestyle of significant amount of physical activity is enough to guarantee health without signing up for gym membership 4) Fruits and low carb vegetables is enough carbohydrate for a weight loss journey 5) The six packs shape is only luxury and not a sign of health 6) Fat and Protein are enough macro nutrient but that doesn't mean you shouldn't eat carbohydrates. Not that the glucose is the reason why you should but other available nutrients. This leaves booze, beer and sugary beverages a no no. Since they are only sugar 7) It is more easier to gain fat than to lose it but it more easier to lose muscle than to gain it. Have a contrary opinion?, drop as comment