Tonning Your Abs( Part one)

Abdominal Shape There is now a major health challenge in the world today which is belly fat or abdominal obesity. It has been discovered to pose a serious threat to Good health. Also, a lot of people will like to tone their ABS by strengthening their core area to increase the visibility of the packs. A toned ABS is a fit one. While i dont believe in going extreme like the ladies above, having your core area strenghtened moderately is good for health and cool body shape. How can we achieve this health and body shape objective? I know this post can help, so read on Getting Rid Of Belly Fat Donts 1) Don't eat Sugar or sugary products. You should read the label on any product and if sugar is included, then you shouldn't eat such. 2) Don't drink alcohol: Alcohol is eventually converted to glucose which stimulates the fat hormone in the body I.e insulin. 3) Don't take the refined grains: The refined grains only supply sugar and no other essential ...