As the top professional level, players may have to compete in different parts of the world due to their international fixture and travels across multiple time zones. So the travel schdule induces travel fatigue resulting from journey itself and a syndrome known as jet lag when multiple meridians are travelled. Travel fatigue refers to the feeling of tiredness and stiffness due to travelling for a long time, it can occur during airflight in northerly or southerly direction or after a long road journeys. It can be quickly reversed by rest, combined with light exercise and a shower or a short nap. JET LAG refers to a symptoms that accompany flights across multiple time zones, the condition is more robust than travel fatigue & is caused by a desynchronisation of circadian rhythms. The symptoms of jet lag includes intermittent periods of fatigue, lack of ability to concentrate, irritability, unusual mood disurbances, gastrointestinal upsets, and difficulty to sleep in appropria...