7 Common Habits That Lead To Weight Gain

1) Eating Late: It is advisable and recommended that supper should be taken before 7pm in the evening because it aids weight loss. By eating before seven, you are able to fast for like 13-14 hours before taking your next meal ( breakfast). Therefore your body is able to finish digestion and absorption phase before you load your body with another one again. Check out this research from washingtonpost.com: “ For years , we said a calorie is a calorie no matter when you consume it ,” says dietitian Joy Dubost, a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “ I don ’t know if we can say that anymore , based on the emerging research. The timing of a meal may potentially have an impact. ”Most of the major studies on late -night eating have been conducted with animals ,night -shift workers and people who , due to a disorder called night eating syndrome, consume at least 25 percent of their daily calories after supper or who wake up to eat at least twice a week . Studies te...