Fitness has been defined as a state of being strong and healthy.
How can we stay fit? We already know that the state of being fit is a function of good diet, physical activity, exercise and other relevant factors . This article will focus on the relevance of physical activity and exercises to fitness. Physical activity is just a matter of engaging our body more physically in day to day activities. On the other hand,physical fitness training that takes the form of a well defined exercise program is meant to train different parts of the body to develop and maintain a fit body.
                        Engaging in More physical activities is one way of staying fit.

1. Walking /biking to our place of work or other destinations
2. Engaging in environmental sanitation
3. Taking the stairs rather than the elevator often time

Fitness Training:
It is not enough to settle for day to day physical activity but creating time to engage in exercise or fitness training is important Forms of fitness training are the following :

1. Cardio respiratory Fitness and endurance training: The Cardio respiratory training is regarded as the most important. Swimming , jogging and dancing are examples

2. Muscular Strength and Endurance : This includes lower body, upper body and core strength exercise. You can use your normal bodyweight or machines. For example, light weight equipment like dumbbell or heavy weight equipment. Should you be planning to engage in this training as a beginner, please start with light weights

Flexibility Exercises : This involves the art of stretching your muscles. Flexibility is regarded as the range of motion in a joint. One vital importance is to look prevent injury when training but stretching also helps to reduce pain.
Types of Stretching :

1) Static stretching : This involves stretching in a position which you hold as you count seconds or minutes. This should be reserved till end of training

2. Dynamic stretching : This as the name implies is a form of stretching that is very dynamic in nature. An example is arm circles.


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