Oral Health

Oral health is all about a healthy strong white and clean teeth free of debris , a pink strong gum and a good breath. To most people, cure is better than prevention and that is one of the major problem in the world today. People spend more money on cure than on prevention . For example, people do not go for regular oral check ups and diagnosis with a dentist but only do so when they perceive that their is a problem with their teeth. PREVENTION TIPS Good Oral Hygiene Oral hygiene is a practice of embracing habits that sustains oral health and ignoring those that contribute to oral or dental diseases. This is so because the remains of food under the influence of the bacteria will become a subject of decay, rot and ferment. In addition, the soft plaque will release acid that destroys the enamel, thereby forming cavities 1) Brushing Your Teeth Thoroughly Twice A Day and Flossing At Least Once A Day. The p...