Seven Best Common Aerobics For Burning Fat

Introduction Intensity is quite important when training. You cannot gain anything by training in your comfort zone. Frequency is also another key ingredient to any work out. It takes less than 48 hours fo the body to start loosing the benefits of the exercise activity of the previous day. You should exercise frequently. Training 4-5 days in a week is considered optimum. Doing the following exercises effectively and efficiently will help you to burn fat sooner than later. Effectiveness means doing the right exercises while efficiency means doing them with the right approach.The FITT standard can help to ensure the efficiency of your training . F stands for frequency, I stands for intensity, T stands for time while the last letter stands for type of the exercise. Frequency: train at least 4-5 days in a week and aim for 2-3 repetition and/or sessions for each exercise except for walking/jogging since you do them once Intensity: for your cardio activity, make use of the perceived ...