Seven Best Common Aerobics For Burning Fat


Intensity is quite important when training. You cannot gain anything by training in your comfort zone. Frequency is also another key ingredient to any work out. It takes less than 48 hours fo the body to start loosing the benefits of the exercise activity of the previous day. You should exercise frequently. Training 4-5 days in a week is considered optimum. Doing the following exercises effectively and efficiently will help you to burn fat sooner than later. Effectiveness means doing the right exercises while efficiency means doing them with the right approach.The FITT standard can help to ensure the efficiency of your training . F stands for frequency, I stands for intensity, T stands for time while the last letter stands for type of the exercise.

Frequency: train at least 4-5 days in a week and aim for 2-3 repetition and/or sessions for each exercise except for walking/jogging since you do them once

Intensity: for your cardio activity, make use of the perceived exertion scale. Therefore, on a scale of one to twenty:
Below 15 = able to talk conveniently, can manage to laugh
Above 15= talking is difficult, not able to laugh

For your resistance training, always exercise till failure

Time: a cardio activity of 20 to 40 minutes is considered optimum but you can divide them into sessions of 5 or 10 minutes. with a strength training of 15 to 30 minutes, 5 to 10 minutes session

Seven Best Common Aerobics For Burning Fat

1) brisk walking: unlike normal walking that people engage in, brisk walking is better for you when it comes to exercise and it is suitable for all ages.

Correct Brisk walking:

Walk with more faster pace than your normal walking making sure that you do not step too far but maintain a narrow gap between your feet. Your heels should make cont act with the ground first while you then push up with your balls. Also, never swing your arms and twist your waist while doing this exercise but keep your elbows at 90 degrees and your waist should not twist. Don't lift your shoulders or bend as you walk. Relax your shoulders and keep your neck and back straight

2) Jogging with interval training: Just jogging at a given pace for a duration of time is not as beneficial as including regular interval work by adding short explosive workout between the jogging exercise. Jog for some minutes, run for some seconds, return to jogging for more minutes, jog for some seconds again for at least 20 minutes and you will discover the difference.

3) jumping robe: Jumping robe is a very effective exercise for anybody who wants optimal fitness . It works your cardio system and lower body at the same time and it helps to lose fat. 20 minutes of skipping benefits two times what you can gain from 20 minutes doing the normal jogging exercise. By doing the jumping robe exercise, your body is two times more engaged than jogging and three times more engaged than walking. It is not strange to burn up to 200 calories more in two, 10 minute sessions.This exercise burns more than 10 calories a minute while also strengthening upper body and lower body I recommend it for your weight loss journey.

Correct Skipping:
I) Your elbows should be close to your ribs
ii) Allow your ankles, knees and hips to flex when you land
iii) Don't jump too high but keep it low
iv) Hold your hands at waist level
v) Turn the rope by rotating your wrist.

4) Hill Sprints: Running up a hill is another great exercise for weight loss or optimal fitness because like the jumping robe, you are working your cardio fitness and endurance while improving your muscular strength and endurance at the same time. Instead of burning fat and muscle, you get a chance of loosing fat and gaining muscle when doing this exercise. You can lose 10 pounds in few weeks by doing this exercise without dieting but all the same, stop sugar, booze, refined grains with alcohol and you will be amazed. It can easily build lower body muscle mass. Needless to say that this also applies to the jumping robe training.

5) Swimming:
This may not always be the first option people think of  when they want to slim down but no other workout burns calories, boosts metabolism, and firms every muscle in your body better than swimming.
Research has shown that swimmers of all ages had more lean muscle and trimmer waists and hips than other recreational fitness athletes.
                    The benefits of swimming workouts are quick and rapid fat burn and muscle mass gain. You can burn around 700 calories or more in an hour and because water is much more denser than air( water provides 12 times the resistance of air), each move is a minimal effective dose resistance workout for your entire body—especially your core, hips, arms, shoulders, and glutes. So in addition to burning calories as you swim, you build lean muscle.
        Swimming is normally considered as the top aerobic activity / exercise because it gives you more added benefits than you can get from the others.

6) Aqua jogging or deep water running: This exercise is perhaps the most demanding and calorie blasting exercise on this list. Water is a lot more dense than air so, running through water can drop your exercise ego because it is not as difficult as you imagine, since it is more difficult. This can burn over 11 calories in one minute. The benefit of swimming and aqua jogging is because they offer protection for your joints against injuries unlike exercise on land. The majority of aqua jogging takes place in water no deeper than chest height and your feet will always be able to touch the floor. Take these suggestions from " jog one of two ways: pushing through water just as you would as if jogging on land, or swinging your arms and legs pendulum-style with your arms and legs extended straight in the water. Just as you run on land, move your arms and legs in concert, moving them at a speed similar in speed to the speed you would use on land."

7) Martial arts:  Okay it can seem funny introducing martial arts to this list but they are excellent work out to burn fat. A cardio kick boxing/Taekwondo class lasts for at least 2 hours and they are majoly into sessions. You get to punch or kick at a speed that would result in a workout so intense you will almost want to run to mummy. Joking apart, the martial arts that provide this type of intense workouts can help you burn calories consistently since you are more likely to train consistently. A normal club meets like three times in a week or more in a week. Also, you get to do other forms of workout like stretching and resistance training.


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