Why Most Females Don't Reach Orgasm

What You Need To Know About Female Orgasm Research shows that one out of every four women has only experienced orgasm once or twice or never before. More than 60% of the women population have never reached orgasm and a reasonable proportion though few don't enjoy sexual intimacy. "I just lie there while he gets all the kicks " is usually what they say. Reasons Why Some Women Don't Reach Orgasm 1) Psychological Factor :- Some women don't actually see a reason why they should. Women who want to reach orgasm certainly does! provided their is the right stimulation and situation. Some women are rigid because of the belief that they have accumulated in their mind through some religion mumbo jumbo Also, it could be that the lady is recovering from a psychological trauma from past sexual assault. This could prevent her from reaching orgasm 2) Stress :- Sex can be tiring when one has had a long day. It is only when both partners ...