How To Get Rid Of Pimple or Acne Fast

7 Proven Natural Ways To Cure Pimple


I am no going to bother you about definition and symptoms of pimple. Whichever way you see it, so far it doesn't make you cute or a health blessing in disguise, then you should kick it's ass without delay. These are proven natural remedies to guarantee success:

1) Lemon Juice: the juice extract from this citrus can act as germicide to kill microscopic organanism in the skin while it cures the swollen spots. It also serves as astringent to dry skin of abundance oil( pls don't take that to the extreme)

What to do:

i) Take one or two medium lemon size, extract the juice
ii) Use a clean, sterile piece of cloth to apply the juice before sleeping.

2) Use Ice: Pimple if not fully matured can be cured using ice, while still in the swollen stage, ices can help to diminish the swelling and make the swollen parts to contract and push out the excessive oil trapped inside.

What to do:
 Wrap the ice in a piece of cloth and apply it on the surface by holding it for some seconds. Wait for few minutes and continue.
Common Skin Diseases and Remedies; Click to read now
3) Use steam to get rid of pimple: steam rising from boiled water can help to open the pores and release the trapped substance

What to do:
Boil water and put it in a small bowl or container. Bring your face to make contact with the steam from the high temperature water. Avoid contack with hot water as it is not good for your skin

4) Olive oil: It contains anti-oxidants and iron. The calming properties of olive oil likewise help uproot skin break out scars.

What to do:
 i) You have to apply olive oil to your scars before going to bed.
Take olive oil and carefully knead your face with this. Concentrate more on the pimple scars.
Knead for a couple of minutes till the time you can feel that all the oil has been absorbed by your skin.

ii) Take a clean towel or material and wrap it into warm water.
Put the warm towel on to your face to get the steam.

iii) Wipe away the excess oil tenderly with the fabric. Don’t rub however.
Note: After 1-2 minutes, wash off your face with ordinary water.

5) Aloe Vera Gel : generally a skin remedy and spa treatment but the gospel of how it diminishes pimple and spots is yet to be preached satisfactorily.

What to do:

I) Apply aloe vera gel on the surface for 15 minutes
ii) Wash face with warm water

6) Cucumber juice is likewise viable for the treatment of skin break out. This juice can advantageous for skin inflammation endures when connected specifically to skin.

What to do:

i) Cut cucumbers into pieces and absorb them in water for 60 minutes. The supplements, for example, vitamin A, potassium and chlorophyll will exchange to the water.
ii) Strain the water and beverage it, or use the water to wash your face.

7)Honey: It is a disinfectant and can help demolish the microbes in the oil organs rapidly, serving to accelerate the mending methodology.

What to do:
i) Use a clean, sterile cotton to dab natural honey straightforwardly unto the skin flaws, for at least 30 minutes

ii) Wash face with warm water.


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