Toning Your ABS ( Part two )

Simple Steps To Have Six Packs

To have fat free tight abs and make those packs more obvious, follow these simple steps:

1) Drink lots of water: Drinking eight glasses of water everyday can help you get rid of belly fat and increase the visibility of your ABS.

2) Be Mindful of Your Diet: What you eat is very important. If you are too careless about what you eat, you will just be adding unnecessary fat to your tommy. It is advisable that you go for moderate carbohydrate which should be the healthy ones e.g whole grains instead of rifened ones . Go for high protein and fiber instead.

3) Exercise:  The importance of exercise cannot be overemphasized. Make sure you include aerobics in your regular workout . Aerobics can help you get rid of unnecessary fat in your belly, so do them regularly. The common ones are jogging, brisk walking, swimming, jumping robe, etc. CORE EXERCISES are non negotiable. Below are few that you can include in your workout since that is not exactly the focus of this article.


 Planks  are great for your workout and it is a worthy challenge for those who want to build the pack shape. The image is given directly below..


a) be on the push .up pose. Drop your elbows on the ground, look directly forward towards the floor so as not to strain your neck.

b) hold for at least 30 seconds.

Side Plank: (a)switch to your left side and place your right hand at your side.
Then alternate. Keep your body .straight and contract your ABS in both cases.


Unlike sit ups, crunches involve just your abdominal muscles during the exercise. Below.are  two .common. ones

A) Bicycle Crunches


a) Lie on your back and put your hands beside your ears.

b) Raise your legs directly infront Of you and keep them straight

c) Bend the left leg and bring the knee towards your schest. At the same    time, bring your right hand toward your left knee, so that they make contact.

b) Reverse Crunches:
 Let me give you one last exercise known as reverse crunches. See below

Unlike the normal crunches that focus on the upper region of your abs, the reverse crunch focus on the lower region. The instruction is provided in the image below.

4) Include Weight Training: To really produce those lovely set of packs, you may need to start training with dumbbell. This is effective because you can be able to do a very effective exercise with little repetition.


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