Difference Between Losing Weight and Losing Fat

You can be loosing weight without losing fat and you can be losing fat without losing weight. Many people are losing weight but they are not losing fat. The fat is still there though they appear to be gone. How is this possible? Fat is stored in fat cells in the body as chemical energy. When the number in your scale goes down, you would have lost some percentage of fat indeed though most of the weight loss may be water and glycogen. In any case, the fat cells may be shrinked but the cells themselves are not gotten rid off and because you may go back to your normal eating lifestyle, the fat cells will eventually be refilled and if you are not careful, more fat cells will be created and alas! there is your old body staring at you in the mirror again. The reason is simple. It is because your defense is down. We have no control over most things that make up our basal metabolic rate (BMR) I. e what is used to measure your metabolism while your body isn't engaged in any external activity. But their is one thing that make up the BMR that we can control and this is muscle mass. One pound of muscle burns nine calories more than one pound of fat. This is why I said you may be gaining your weight back because your defense is down. Incase you have not gotten the point, let me break it down better for you. Most people go for diet plans e. g Atkins, that make them lose muscle mass as well as fat. Hence, they are not able to fight back when Mr. fat comes back to try to regain it's former colony.
Again, muscular strength and endurance training boosts metabolism for up to two hours after exercise. And note that muscles occupy fewer space than fat, so that you will still end up slim. Guess what type of food you need the most when doing muscle training? No! not carbs, proteins! Do you know you spend more calories when digesting proteins than other food groups? Yes! it is a fact, not a theory. But, this is not to disregard aerobic exercise or eating carbohydrates. Aerobic exercises help us burn calories and carbohydrates are the main source of energy to our body system. I will go into details later but first of all, what did I meant when I mentioned that you can lose fat without losing weight. This happens when you are able to replace your fat composition with muscle composition. Check the image below.
Note: both weighs the same despite varying degrees of fat composition.