Benefits and risk of exercises in old age..

The veterens now provide competition at local , national and international level for an increasing number of old athletes.
However there is a certain risks associated with exercise for older people that can be minimized by adequate medical screening as well as an awareness of, and appropriate response to warning symptoms.

Exercise benfits whole body as well as psyche. The most benefits found in cardiovascular system thats why exercise decreased morbidity, mortality, and symptoms, and reduce cardiac rehospitalization.
Exercise increased the demand on myocardium improves oxygen utilization, dilates capillaries and improves  the delivery of oxygen and other nutrients to the muscles. Inside the cells  the number of mitochondria increases enhancing aerobic metabolism.
Exercise tends to lower the resting heart rate and resultant increased diastolic time allows improved coronary blood flow..
Exercise lowers the blood pressure andreduce obesity, these two factors decreased the risk  of ischemic heart disease.
Resistance training and high impact activities helps maintain bone mass, improves mobility and increasing muscles strength. Exercise in the form of strength and balance training reduce an older person's RISK OF FALLING. It also improves sleep, cognitive functions, mood and lessens depressive symptoms.

The risk associated with a sedentary life style are well known although difficult to quantify objectively and compare with the risk associated with exercise in later years.
From a safety standpoint exercise prescription for older people are concerned that may induce myocardial ischemia and in turn precipitate myocardial infarction and sudden death.

Before starting an exercise program the older ones should have a complete history and Physical examinations. Contraindications to exercises outside of a monitored  environment includes: myocardial infarction with in six months, angina, resting systoloc blood pressure of 200 mmHG or higher.  A functional test for cardiac capacity is to ask the patients to walk 15 M or climb a flight of stairs. A resting ECG should have reviewed for new Q waves, ST segment depression or T wave inversion.
If the person has no overt cardiovascular disease, and no other medical or orthopedic contraindications to exercise, he/she can begin a low intensity exercise program.


Exercise at pre old age is necessary to provide strength for the old age... some old people have muscle and bone weakness due to a lifestyle of in activity before old age.

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