What Level Of Fitness Is Enough?

      How much fitness is sufficient?  Can I determine how much fitness I  require for a normal day to day life? Fitness itself is an aggregate of all the components that it comprises. We have the cardio respiratory component, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility and body composition component. Let me define the four components before returning to this question.

Cardio Respiratory Fitness :- This is your body's ability to be able to supply energy and oxygen to your muscles during prolonged physical activity without tiredness or fatigue. How can we measure the cardio respiratory fitness?

How Can You Improve Cardiorespiratory Fitness?

Please read :-seven-best-common-aerobics-for-burning
The minimum amount of aerobic exercise recommended for fitness by the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association is 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise five days per week, or 20 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise three days per week. This is a minimum that people who have been inactive should progress to with steadily increasing their activity.

2) Muscular Fitness:- This is the overall health and strength of the muscles. An aspect of muscle fitness is known as muscular endurance which deals with the ability of the muscles to exert themselves consistently and repeatedly over a significant period of time.

3) Flexibility :- This is the absolute range of motion in a joint to induce movement and motion.

4) Body Composition :- This refers to percentage of fat, bone, water and muscle in the body. As far as fitness is concerned, our main concern is the percentage of fat in the body. Excess fat makes us over weight and obesed which makes us prone to other health diseases.

What Level of Fitness Is Enough?
   All of us cannot be athletes or exercise enthusiats or body builders. How much fitness is required for one's health?  I provided some help below :

Cardio Respiratory Fitness:- Resting Heart Rate 

This is meant to determine your heart rate when you are not doing any activity . For most adults, a healthy heart rate is 60 to 100 beats a minute.
To check your pulse over your carotid artery, place your index and middle fingers on your neck to the side of your windpipe. To check your pulse at your wrist, place two fingers between the bone and the tendon over your radial artery, located on the palm side of your wrist below the thumb.
When you feel your pulse, look at your watch and count the number of beats in 10 seconds. Multiply this number by 6 to get your heart rate per minute. Let's say you count 15 beats in 10 seconds. Multiply 15 by 6 for a total of 90 beats a minute.

2) Muscular Fitness :-You can try the  Push Up test . The chart below shows the required number for age and gender.

age women men
25   20    28
35   19    21
45   14    16
55   10    12
65   10    11

3) Flexibility :- The best way to test your flexibility is to use the bull eye method. This means to set a target.  As a start, try touching your toes

4) Body fat composition test :- Try this simple test from    www.bodybuilding.com

"For this test you will need someone's help and a ruler that reads in millimeters (mm).
Step 1 : Hang your right arm at your side, and have someone find the point halfway between your shoulder and elbow, on the rear (triceps side) of your arm.
Step 2 : With his/her thumb and forefinger have him/her pinch a fold of skin and fat away from the muscle.
Step 3 : Have him/her measure the thickness of the skin pinched. (Do not rest the ruler against the skin.)
Step 4 : Have him/her do steps 2 and 3 several times and get the average reading.
Step 5 : Find your body fat percentage by using the chart below"

Skin fold(mm)      fat %
                                in men.  in women
6                              5-9.         8-13
13.                           9-13.     13-18
19.                          13-18.    18-23
25.                          18-22.    23-28
38.                          22-27.    28-33

The image below helps you visualize the chart stipulated above 


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